According to the Swiss wage structure survey (2018), the current wage difference between men and women is 14.4%. The wage difference is illegal and runs counter to the equality law set out in the federal constitution.
The date of the Equal Pay Day changes from year to year because it shows the difference in wages. If a man gets his salary from January 1, 2022, a woman must work 14.4% free of charge until she also receives wages ... until February 20, 2022.
On this day, the famous Equal Pay Day bags are distributed in various cities across Switzerland so that the general public is made aware of the issue of equal pay. Women should be encouraged to negotiate their wages better and men should recognize that they too have an interest in equal pay for equal performance.
BPW Switzerland publishes an argument about equal pay. It is available from the BPW branch.
You can find the latest developments on the subject at